Dec 8, 2023Liked by Dayten Rose

Good! I’ve never had coffee before! Now I’ll check out this hip new drug knowing the Pope has baptized it. Do you think he could baptize heroine for me too? 🥹

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I’ll put in a word with my pal Franky

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dayten Rose

This should really be submitted to the NY Times Opinion section. it would fit right in.

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Omg thank you! I’ll have my people call their people

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dayten Rose

Here to represent the grown adults still ordering hot chocolate at cafes. Great article buddy, especially here for drinking coffee as a means to have fun and do drugs with friends vs. a need to stay awake and work for 12-14 hours straight (grad school).

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I felt so cheated when I developed a caffeine addiction only to learn that hot chocolate still rules!!

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“It’s fun to do drugs with your friends” 😂 amazing

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Dayten Rose

We tried a Charged Lemonade once and it tasted like lightning. Can't wait for Starbucks' version, the iced apple pie Power Up™ latte, now with enough caffeine to down a horse

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Right well you know it’s not gonna be like “our new RocketPiss Macchiato, drink it and your head will explode” it’ll be like “a drink :)”

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