Love that my birthday made the intro. We missed you! Sad to say the cake is all gone (as in gone through my digestive tract [feels like it should be track instead of tract here, but whatevs]) but the memory of Sarah saying "There should be another couple here, but their tire blew up on the interstate" will forever be seared into my memory.

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Nate got #1 and the bonus? He must be having sooo much fun

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He actually just bullies me in DMs more than anyone else, you should try that

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btw results came back - i was 20th percentile overall but 50th percentile in the creativity category and i got lots of nice comments so i'm pleased. they also announced their next jam which will be a sandbox jam (instead of a theme they give us something specific to build off of, like a specific melody or instrument) and that one is 48 hours so i'm hype for that. ALSO the winner of this jam was the wonderful october w (entry here: https://soundcloud.com/october_stereo/sets/world-of-memory-ost-composing-jam-7) which is just real good music

super eyepatch wolf is great. haven't seen this one so it's going on the pile.

also making you cry is always my goal

and (SHUT UP ABOUT DOYNG! SHUT UP ABOUT DOYNG!)[https://media1.tenor.com/m/rTEtS1M4zfUAAAAd/the-office-shut-up-about-the-sun.gif]

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